Succeed more...and suffer less
Change Your Mindset - Change Your Life
Sample Course Video
A short excerpt from one of the course videos, from the section on Fixed Mindset.
Transform Your Mindset and Life
A Step-by-Step Guide to Mindset Shift
This course is designed to help enable radical Mindset transformation in ourselves and others. The 9 TED-Talk-style videos provide a deep understanding of Mindset – and the tools to facilitate profound and lasting Mindset shift. This Mindset shift enables higher performance and greater satisfaction in both our personal and professional lives, so that we succeed more…and suffer less. Self-assessments, exercises, and real-world application exercises are included throughout the course. Subtitles are available in both English and Spanish.
The Instructor - Dr. Eve Meceda
Vistage International Speaker of the Year
Dr. Eve Meceda is a research psychologist, author, award-winning speaker, and Mindset expert who has spent the past two decades working with client organizations in 18 countries, across all continents except Antarctica (if you have contacts there, please let us know!).
How It Works
1Select Plan
Click the "View Purchase Options Here" button in the section below to be taken to the purchase page for the course.
2Complete Payment
Purchase options include access for individual users, teams, or entire organizations.
Every person receives their own login credentials for the course and can complete it at their own pace - whenever and wherever they choose.
PUrchase access to the Mindset Course
Click the link below to view purchase options.
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If you have questions or would like additional information beyond what is provided here, please reach out via the contact form below. We look forward to working with you!
© 2023 Eve Meceda LLC